Party Wall Matters

A wall separating two buildings is known as a Party Wall. Damage to the Party Wall by a building owner can have serious and severe consequences on the property of an adjoining owner.

The Party Wall etc Act 1996 ensures that certain procedures are followed whenever building works are carried out to a Party Wall. Excavations close to a neighbouring building are also covered by the Act.

The aim of the Act is to minimise disputes between neighbours by ensuring that a Party Wall Award prepared by surveyors stipulates the time and way in which the works will be carried out.

A photographic schedule of the condition of the relevant parts of the adjoining property is usually prepared and agreed by the surveyors before the commencement of the works and this forms part of the Party Wall Award.

Any damage to the Party Wall or adjoining property as a result of the works will have to be rectified by the building owner undertaking the works.

We are experienced in acting as the surveyor of the building owner or the adjoining owner or as the agreed surveyor for both the building owner and the adjoining owner.

Generally, the building owner undertaking the works pays the fees of the surveyor of the adjoining property owner.